Whether your daughter wants to be an astronaut, ambassador, or an accountant, girls need to know—not just think, but really know, deep down in their gut—that nothing can stand in their way. The Ellis School sends this message to girls every day.
Guided by expert faculty, Ellis girls are uniquely equipped with the confidence and authority to succeed in school and in life. In this girl-centered, immersive environment, tailored specifically to girls’ development and empowerment, students push the limits of their potential, pursuing a rigorous curriculum that offers a breadth and depth of study that meets their individual interests, talents, and goals.
The Ellis School is a place where girls take center stage. And we think that's just where they belong.
Why Choose The Ellis School?
The Pillars of an Ellis Education
At Ellis, girls are challenged to be intellectually vibrant, ambitious, and creative thinkers. They grow to become confident, brave changemakers committed to making the world a better place for themselves and others.
But what really makes The Ellis School distinctive?
List of 4 items.
Vibrant Intellects
We embolden girls to be intellectually vibrant and ambitious. In the company of other genuinely curious, diverse students, and guided by gifted and committed teachers, girls thrive in our forward-thinking, progressive academic environment.
We empower girls to be courageous changemakers. Ellis girls are comfortable tussling with complex problems and are eager to solve them. They develop into brave, bold young women who are ready to use their powerful minds and voices to change the world.
Secure & Confident
We develop young women who are secure in themselves. Ellis girls grow remarkable confidence and a strong voice—they hold fast to what they believe, know their own strengths, and speak up for themselves and others.
Positive Community Members
We believe learning is enhanced by the remarkable diversity of our school community. At Ellis, every girl is invited to bring all aspects of her identity into our shared space. Ellis students are caring and empathetic individuals who make deep, authentic connections with others.
Ellis is Pittsburgh’s only independent day school for girls and serves students age three through grade 12. To start pre-kindergarten as a Cub, students must be three-years-old by September 15; to start pre-kindergarten as a Tiger, students must be four-years-old by September 15; to start kindergarten, students must be five-years-old by September 15. The Lower School is comprised of pre-kindergarten through grade 4; the Middle School includes grades 5 through 8; and the Upper School houses grades 9 through 12.
Financial aid applications for prospective Ellis families are due on January 1. Financial aid applications for current Ellis families are due on December 15. Learn more about the financial aid process here.
At Ellis, we believe it is critical that each student is deeply known by her teachers and community—her personality, her gifts, and her opportunities for growth. In order to ensure that students learn at the edge of their comfort zone, Ellis maintains an average student to faculty ratio of 6:1 and an average class size of 12 students.
In the heart of Pittsburgh’s East End, Ellis is located at 6425 Fifth Avenue between Beechwood Boulevard and Shady Avenue. All Ellis students learn together on one campus, ensuring a sense of community and continuity across grade levels. Students from nearly 70 zip codes and 35 school districts attend Ellis, and transportation options are available to many families in and around Pittsburgh.
College advising is woven into the Ellis curriculum; every student takes a two-year college preparatory seminar during her junior and senior years. Additionally, Ellis is the only regional school to offer in-house ACT/SAT test prep. Every Ellis student receives unlimited hours of individual guidance to support her college search, and admission officers from more than 100 colleges and universities make recruiting visits to the Ellis campus each year. The outcomes speak for themselves.
Complete applications for admission are encouraged by December 15 for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, and by January 1 for grades 1–12. Applications are accepted until grade levels are full. If it is after January 1, please call 412-661-4880 or email admissions@westridgeparkapartments.com to connect with a member of the Enrollment Management team.
For prospective pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students who submit their applications by the December 15 deadline, admission decisions are sent in mid-February. For prospective students in grades 1-12 who submit their applications by the January 1 deadline, admission decisions are sent in early March.
Carrie Sparks and Christopher Palmer were not familiar with all-girls education until they started looking at schools for their daughter. After seeing the differences in how their son and daughter learned, they decided to look at The Ellis School and ultimately enrolled Edie, Class of 2029. Firm believers that Ellis cultivates girls to be lifelong, confident learners, Christopher and Carrie share how Ellis has fostered Edie’s individuality and encouraged her growth.
Determined to give her daughter access to the best education in Pittsburgh, Denise LaRosa knew that The Ellis School was the only place for her daughter, Gianna, Class of 2030. A pre-kindergarten teacher at Ellis as well as a parent, Denise saw firsthand how transformative all-girls education could be for girls and chose to enroll her daughter in kindergarten so she could get the full Ellis experience beginning in Lower School. Now in first grade, Gianna is thriving in her class—proving to Denise and her husband, Jason, every day that they made the right decision.
Elaine Musgrave and Michael Wood-Vasey first heard about the transformative power of an Ellis education from their friends, and soon enough were experiencing it for themselves through their daughter, Ella, Class of 2032. Attracted to Ellis’ emphasis on community and responsibility, Elaine and Michael wanted to send their daughter to a school where her voice would be respected, heard, and valued from a young age.
The stories Priyanka Jhala heard about The Ellis School from other families in her community stood out to her as she considered where to send her daughter, Saira, to pre-kindergarten. After speaking with Ellis parents and the Enrollment Management team, Priyanka and her husband, Sameer, decided Ellis was the right place for Saira. It was Ellis’ global focus, nurturing faculty members, and commitment to celebrating each individual girl that drove their investment—and they haven’t looked back since.
When Sarah ALTMAN Bumsted ’95 moved back to Pittsburgh, there was one decision that she didn’t give a second thought to—sending her two daughters, Kit, Class of 2029, and Annie, Class of 2027, to Ellis. An alumna of the School herself, Sarah knew firsthand the value of an Ellis education and wanted her daughters to have the same experiences and opportunities she had as an Ellis student. From the invaluable role modeling girls witness in older students to the incomparable teachers who truly know, support, and care for them, Sarah chose Ellis for her daughters because she believes wholeheartedly that Ellis is the best educational experience for any child in Pittsburgh.
When Tara and Patrick McElfresh sought out a new school for their daughter, Liadan, Class of 2024, they wanted a place that would not only challenge her academically, but personally as she moved from elementary to middle school. A place that would encourage her to be an independent thinker, confident student, and compassionate friend. A place that would provide unrivaled educational opportunities in a supportive, safe, and diverse environment. A place where their daughter could truly thrive. After Liadan visited Ellis for a shadow day—and left beaming ear-to-ear—it was clear to them that The Ellis School was that place for Liadan and the right place for them as parents.
Meet Our Team
Michelle Rust
Director of Enrollment Management
We are delighted that you are considering The Ellis School. Ellis has an unparalleled commitment to girls' education in an environment that maximizes intellectual, physical, emotional, and social growth. At Ellis, girls of all ages learn to take risks, work collaboratively, ask questions, and pursue their dreams. There is simply no place else like Ellis anywhere in our region. Here girls are free to know themselves, discover their gifts, and find their own voice, whether through robotics, or performing arts, or sports.
List of 2 members.
Ms. Carolyn Frischer
Assistant Director of Admission, Middle and Upper School